Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Senator Kit Bond’s For Profit Politics

The staff of Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) has been revealed to have participated in the unlawful firing of the US Attorney Todd Graves. In the current onion skin layer of narrative we are permitted in the post investigative journalism era, an attorney named Jack Bartling representing Senator Bond or his staff twice contacted the US Department of Justice to have the brother of Republican 6th District Congressman Sam Graves removed from office because of “business” differences between Bond and Rep. Sam Graves’ staff.

Red State style extortion to obstruct justice:

Mr. Graves told investigators that a member of Sen. Bond’s staff had called him to insist that he use his influence to force Rep. Graves to fire his chief of staff. When Mr. Graves refused, the Bond staffer told him “they could no longer protect his job.”

The unique quality that makes Red State racketeering so over the top sinister is that this isn’t even the violent Kray twins insanely selling protection to the local Royal Air Force base like Monty Python’s spoof the Piranha brothers.

The video.

Here the gang is extorting a US Congressman by first threatening then getting his brother, the federal prosecutor fired. Currently we are being told the extortion was to cause Rep. Sam Graves to fire our local Karl Rove twin Jeff Roe but in the spirit of the new onion skin journalism I will post the “business reasons” as they are being revealed.

Look out for Spiny Norman, the missing hedge hog.

What Others Have Observed

Forward looking political thinkers recognized something was happening here early. On December 31, 2004, Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. the president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, editor of, and author of Speaking of Liberty wrote an essay entitled The Reality of Red-State Fascism that foreshadowed the new foreign interventionism and economic control that had previously been condemned by the Republican Party. Vanity Fair started to notice that Red States aren't the Utopia we all long for in James Wolcott's November 2006 Vanity Fair article Red State Babylon.

Corporate Syndicalism

While things started happening really fast, a pattern emerged. I vaguely remembered reading about what I was seeing. Soon others started seeing the same echoes. I searched out the scientific name of the creature we were witnessing. We all know it by other names, but these names are colored by misinformation. Even lies about our own past. Instead of using labels from the 1930's and 40's I looked to the current Political Science name. Corporate Syndicalism. Wikipedia describes Corporate Syndicalism as Corporatism and the Encylopaedia Britannica lists it as Syndicalism. I never believed David D. Roberts book entitled The Syndicalist Tradition and Italian Fascism would be relevant to my nation. Neither did I want to see the techniques described by Wilhelm Reich in The Mass Psychology Of Fascism being used by people governing America.

In the Red States, the constitution, rights, statutes, rules and ethics are meaningless. The government and corporations can do no wrong.